Studio Arts Program

The Studio Arts Program (SAP) offers year-round arts training to Chicago teens ages 14 to 18. Our program is aligned to Chicago Public Schools’ calendar to offer after-school and summer-intensive workshops. Under the supervision of a qualified Teaching-Artist teens learn:

  • Elements & Principles of Art & Design

  • Fine Arts & Design literacy

  • Training in various art mediums and techniques including drawing, painting, printmaking, graphic design, mosaic, and others

  • Job readiness skills such as: Time Management, Teamwork, Project Presentations, Analytical Thinking & Critique, and Art History

  • Opportunities to work in community art projects

  • Exhibition presentation in our community gallery

  • Field trips to museums and artists' studio visits

  • Academic Advising

Our Studio Arts & Exhibition Program’s facilities and classes are audited by the City of Chicago Department of Family Support Services and by Independent Evaluators, as well as our own teens.

Impact & Success


Our students have used the study of art to make a difference in their academic and personal lives providing them with discipline and creative minds. It is even more rewarding to see how our students discover that ART is the professional path they want to follow.

Jennessa I. Martinez, Right of Picture & Mara Ayala (Instructor)

Jennessa I. Martinez, Right of Picture & Mara Ayala (Instructor)

Jennessa is a visual artist and spoken word poet who has lived in Chicago her entire life. Creating evocative archives, her most recent work examines street violence, urban politics, and inescapable lifestyles. Her recent exhibitions include group showcases with [blnk} Studio and 062 Gallery at Zhou B Art Center.

Jennessa I. Martínez

Jennessa, a brilliant student from our own Humboldt Park community. She completed numerous apprenticeship courses at age 14 and demonstrated a passion for painting. Jennessa became our first student to be admitted to the Painting Program at the School of the Arts Institute of Chicago (SAIC) with a full scholarship. During her second year at SAIC, Jennessa received a summer scholarship to study painting in Venice, Italy. 

In the summer of 2018 Jennessa returned home and became a co-teacher in our summer Painting Program. Recently, Jennessa completed her master’s degree in the Arts Therapy & Education Program at the School of the Arts Institute of Chicago. 


Tabitha Moore

Tabitha completed two summer and year-long studio programs. She always demonstrated a commitment to her school-work while maintaining perfect attendance to her after-school apprenticeships. Tabitha was admitted to Columbia College in 2019.

Dinaluz Torres

Dinaluz, a brilliant student from Chicago’s Hermosa community. Dina, how we affectionately call her, was a leader in all summer programs she participated. Dina always expressed interest in the field of professional arts. Dina was accepted (2019) in the School of Arts at University of Illinois Chicago. She wants to become a medical illustrator.

Our Instructors


The ASM Apprenticeship Studio hires a diverse team of arts professionals, instructors, and guest artists engaged in t6he Chicago’s art scene and communities. Most of our instructors are bilingual (Spanish/English.) If you are a teaching-artist interested in joining our team look at our job section  or submit your resume and bio to 

Partners & Sponsors